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MetaVerso Gallery

Virtual exhibition in streaming from the Metaverse

international art project by Make Art Gallery

The AbstrArt 3 exhibition, for the artists featured in the art volume published in January 2024, went live on May 18. We remind you that the exhibition is always accessible in the Metaverse of Second Life.

The AbstrArt 3 exhibition, for the artists featured in the art volume published in January 2024, went live on May 18. We remind you that the exhibition is always accessible in the Metaverse of Second Life.


mostre virtuali online, profilo instagram di make art gallery
mostre virtuali online, pagina facebook di make art gallery
mostre virtuali online, pagina facebook di make art gallery
All images are protected by copyright © /.it - Please do not reproduce any text or images without the explicit consent of the author.
Artistic Project by - Rome / Italy - Art Director Stefano Fiore

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